Tips To Organize Home Petite

Tips To Organize Home Petite. If you have a small home (usually completely with a minimalist house design) doesn't mean you can't make the House into a comfortable home. Tiny House can be made into felt roomy and comfortable if you know the tips Tips to organize your Home petite.

Tips to how to organize the Home Home of Petite with a narrow land is you have to observe the distribution of the room based on funsinya and is consistent with the function of the room, furniture and rearranging the furniture.

Here are a few Tips to organize your Home a cute little that could be done is this:

1. make the room as efficiently as possible. Be aware of the empty rooms in the House by making use of the rungan to put stuff, for example, a room at the bottom of the stairs, you can make it a wardrobe, or bofet.

2. the lighting should be noted. The rooms are bright, airy, it will feel good to use light Rays are yellow and white, yellow light can give the impression of a natural, warm and romantic, while white lights provide a formal, extensive impression and friendly. In addition note also the distance and placement of lights in any room of the House.

3. adjust the position of the window and use the right glass. Select a window with the size not large, fitted with the exact position to supply light, give the impression of warm, and help air circulation. use glass that is not politically motivated.

4, select paints the walls with light colors. If you choose dark colored paint will give the impression of narrow. If you love the wall with wallpaper, select usage its not impressed weight such as lines and boxes that are small or thin so that the eye doesn't feel quickly saturated.

5. When you have a House with two floors of stairs should be used with a light so as not to cause impressed a narrow room.

6. in selecting the furniture we recommend that you select with simple design and soft colors that impressed with the aim of producing a light and spacious effect. to make it look natural put potted plants or flowers in the room.

7. make mirror is not too big and not too much at a certain angle in the House Chamber was impressed.

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